Haskell hackathon in Zurich

Hi all!

This is to remind you that we're organizing ZuriHac, a Haskell
hackathon/get-together, to be held March 19-21 at the Google Office in
Zurich, Switzerland. Lots of people have already registered but we
still have space for more!

If you plan on coming, please register [1] so we can make sure there's
seating for everyone. Registration, travel, lodging and many other
details will soon be available on the ZuriHac wiki [2]. If you have
any questions don't hesitate to drop Christophe or me an email (or
email addresses can be found on the wiki.)

Friday March 19 2:30pm to 6:30pm
Saturday March 20 10am to 6pm
Sunday March 21 10am to 6pm

We will be in the TechTalk area of the Google Office at
Brandschenkestrasse 110
. Please see the wiki [3] for directions.

Johan Tibell
Christophe Poucet

Hope to see you in Zurich!

- The ZuriHac team

[1] http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/ZuriHac/Register
[2] http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/ZuriHac
[3] http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/ZuriHac#Getting_to_the_Google_Office