I try to make key disk ...
wat was to be "Move to sector 1 on the disk (sector 0 is the boot sector)"

Thank You


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Gracias Gondar_f... intentaré no forzarlo por hardware, no vaya a ser que me lo cepille...

También he encontrado esto, pero tampoco funciona:

Keydisk to bypass Toshiba laptop password
The following instructions can be used to create a "keydisk" to enable you to bypass a Toshiba laptop BIOS password.

You will need the following items:

Blank formatted floppy diskette (720K or 1.44Mb)
The notebook in question
Another PC, even a desktop
A decent hex/disk editor
Follow these steps to create the disk:

Fire up the hex/disk editor on your working PC
Insert the floppy into the drive
Edit the disk with the editor
Move to sector 1 on the disk (sector 0 is the boot sector)
Alter the first 5 bytes of the sector to reflect the following:
Save the disk
Put the disk in the laptop's floppy drive and cold-boot
When the password prompt appears, press Enter. You should be asked if you want to set the password again.

En este fin de semana prepararé el artilugio ese del puerto paralelo, ya os contaré.