Descargas: Offensive Security Wireless Attacks [WIFU] [ENG]

Offensive Security Wireless Attacks [WIFU] [ENG]

Añadido por LUK - 30-01-2017
Autor Autor Offensive Security
Tamaño Tamaño 18,60 MB
Descargas Descargas 152
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Manual de Offensive Security sobre ataque a redes wireless, "la biblia del hacking de redes wifi".

Idioma: Ingles

Descipción oficial
Offensive Security Wireless Attacks (WiFu) is an online penetration testing training course which teaches you the skills needed to audit and secure today’s wireless devices. In this course, students will learn to identify existing vulnerabilities in wireless networks and execute organized wifi attacks in a controlled and focused manner.

The wireless industry continues to grow in leaps and bounds with more and more gadgets adding wireless functionality. Wireless access points, media centers, phones, and even security systems are commonplace in the average household. Unfortunately, the wireless security that is implemented on this equipment is often lacking, opening the devices to severe wireless security vulnerabilities. In practice, many companies and organizations still use and deploy vulnerable wireless gear, often in their default configurations. This is most often due to poor security awareness or a lack of understanding of the risks and ramifications.

The Offensive Security WiFu Security Training Course is a must for any professional penetration tester!




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