Descargas: Cocoa® Programming for Mac® OS X, Third Edition

Cocoa® Programming for Mac® OS X, Third Edition

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Añadido por Marchi - 11-12-2009
Autor Autor Aaron Hillegass - Aporte de Cypress
Tamaño Tamaño 11,62 MB
Descargas Descargas 525
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Table of contents

  • Chapter 1. Cocoa: What Is It?
  • Chapter 2. Let's Get Started
  • Chapter 3. Objective-C
  • Chapter 4. Memory Management
  • Chapter 5. Target/Action
  • Chapter 6. Helper Objects
  • Chapter 7. Key-Value Coding; Key-Value Observing
  • Chapter 8. NSArrayController
  • Chapter 9. NSUndoManager
  • Chapter 10. Archiving
  • Chapter 11. Basic Core Data
  • Chapter 12. Nib Files and NSWindowController
  • Chapter 13. User Defaults
  • Chapter 14. Using Notifications
  • Chapter 15. Using Alert Panels
  • Chapter 16. Localization
  • Chapter 17. Custom Views
  • Chapter 18. Images and Mouse Events
  • Chapter 19. Keyboard Events
  • Chapter 20. Drawing Text with Attributes
  • Chapter 21. Pasteboards and Nil-Targeted Actions
  • Chapter 22. Categories
  • Chapter 24. NSTimer
  • Chapter 25. Sheets
  • Chapter 26. Creating NSFormatters
  • Chapter 27. Printing
  • Chapter 28. Web Service
  • Chapter 29. View Swapping
  • Chapter 30. Core Data Relationships
  • Chapter 31. Garbage Collection
  • Chapter 32. Core Animation
  • Chapter 33. A Simple Cocoa/OpenGL Application
  • Chapter 34. NSTask
  • Chapter 35. The End




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