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15-09-2012, 03:22
Recientemente he recibido este email, por si alguien quiere participar:

Dear Hacking-Lab User,

We are working on the Hacking-Lab Exam and Certification service and we need your help! We are seeking for volunteers supporting us in question set entering. There is a demand for this because the upcoming exam includes both, a set of multiple-choice questions in addition to existing wargame challenges. We need questions in all sorts of areas. A single question has 4 different answers, where only 1 answer is the correct one.

Question Areas
* web security
* database security
* penetration testing
* reverse engineering
* forensics
* penetration testing
* network security
* unix security
* windows security
* malware / trojan

Registration for Volunteers
Do you feel like supporting us with questions?
Please Sign-Up with this *special* event in HL
Become a QuestionSet volunteer! We appreciate your ideas

What is your benefit?
You can add as many questions in HL as you want; but if 5 of your questions will be accepted in the final set of questions, you will then receive a free pass for all available exam & certifications in Hacking-Lab for the first 12 months after going live (year 2013). But - *IMPORTANT* you must still pass the exam. You won't get the certificate without passing the exam!

Looking forward to hearing from you

Yo ya estoy preparando mis "questions".

Un saludo.

15-09-2012, 03:24
Se me olvidó la URL de esta organización es:

15-09-2012, 10:12
Si consigo dormir algún dia mas de 8 horas tiene una pinta cojonuda :(