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Ver la versión completa : xavi 7968r añadir mac estaticas ¿?

08-04-2011, 18:08
Alguien sabe si se pueden añadir mac address staticas desde el configurador del router, e mirado desde la interfaz web y por telnet, pero no veo nada¿?.

Ademas ya e leido el manual de timofonica.

802.1x 802.1x port based authentication
acl snmp remote management
agent Get a file from a remote host
ald Configuration commands for ald
bridge Configure layer 2 bridge
classifier Packet classifier configuration commands
console Console access
dhcpclient DHCP client configuration commands
dhcpserver DHCP server configuration commands
diagnosticTest System Helath check commands
dnsclient DNS client configuration commands
dnsrelay DNS relay configuration
dyndns Dynamic DNS Updater commands
emux Ethernet Switch Multiplex configuration commands
ethernet Commands to configure ethernet transports
firewall Firewall configuration commands
help Top level CLI help
igmp igmp configuration commands
imdebug Directly access the information model
ip Configure IP router
logger Log to a remote host using syslog
meter Packet metering configuration command
nat NAT configuration commands
port Physical port configuration commands
pppoa PPP over ATM configuration
pppoe PPP over Ethernet Configuration
reboot reboot modem
restore_defaults set all configuration to factory setting
rfc1483 Commands to configure RFC1483 transports
save_and_exit SAVES changes closing telnet session
save_and_reboot SAVES changes and reboots modem.
save_config Save configuration
scheduler Configuration commands for scheduler
security Security configuration commands not specific to N
simpleconfig SimpleConfig Configuration commands
sntpclient Simple Network Time Protocol Client commands
system System administration commands
tftpc TFTP client commands
transports Transport configuration commands
upnp UPnP configuration commands
user User commands
wanacl snmp remote management
webserver Webserver configuration commands
wpa Configure WPA (Wireless Protected Access)

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