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06-09-2004, 16:16

Me remito al foro para ver si me recomendais algún honeypot para windows, a ser posible freeware.


06-09-2004, 19:39
¿Qué es lo que quieres la dirección de un honeypot una aplicación para crearlo?


07-09-2004, 13:45
Que es un honeypot ?

Salu2 !

07-09-2004, 17:46
Pues básicamente lo que busco es un programa de honeypot. Probé uno que sale en Knoppix-std, pero busco uno para windows. Lo que pregunto es si alguien ha utilizado alguno en windows y le ha gustado, si me puede decir el nombre (y ya puestos, la url), y lo pruebo.

solo es eso.

07-09-2004, 21:31
Lo primero que debes hacer es leerte un buen libro, como 'Honeypots: Tracking Hackers', no sé si estará traducido al Castellano, en inglés lo puedes bajar de la red ed2k:

Honeypots - Tracking Hackers - Addison Wesley - 2002.pdf (ed2k://|file|Honeypots.-.Tracking.Hackers.-.Addison.Wesley.-.2002.pdf|2326690|AA765876DB7A671E6AD528BEA3C18214 |/)

Su página es:

Cuando ya lo tengas claro, mira en:

What is SPECTER?

SPECTER is a smart honeypot or deception system. It simulates a complete
machine, providing an interesting target to lure hackers away from the
production machines.

SPECTER offers common Internet services such as SMTP, FTP, POP3, HTTP and
TELNET which appear perfectly normal to the attackers but in fact are traps
for them to mess around and leave traces without even knowing that they are
connected to a decoy system which does none of the things it appears to do
but instead logs everything and notifies the appropriate people.

Furthermore, SPECTER automatically investigates the attackers while they
are still trying to break in. SPECTER provides massive amounts of decoy
content and it generates decoy programs that will leave hidden marks on the
attacker's computer. Automated weekly online updates of the honeypot's
content and vulnerability databases allow the honeypot to change constantly
without user interaction.

How does it work?

A SPECTER system consists of a dedicated PC and the SPECTER software. It is
connected to the network where attacks are expected. This usually means to
connect it close to the Internet access point, typically in the DMZ, but it
can also be connected directly to the Internet. SPECTER can also be installed
on internal networks to find out about suspicious activities originating from
within an organization, or to detect security breaches.

Another interesting possibility is to install SPECTER on a production machine
such as a mail server. In this scenario, the SMTP service is real while all
other network services on the machine are simulated by SPECTER. If an attacker
checks out the machine looking for vulnerabilities, he will very likely connect
to one of the simulated services and find what he is looking for.

But while he thinks he's breaking in, he has actually triggered an alert, he's
investigated, everything he does is logged and at the same time the mail server
is absolutely safe.

What are the main advantages?

Suspicious interest in your network and your computers can be detected immediately.

Administrators are notified of hostile activity right when it happens so they
can immediately look at the problem and take action.

By illegally downloading programs and other content from the honeypot machine,
attackers put hidden evidence against them on their own computers. This evidence
may be used in court.

Detailed logs of the activities provide information about character, skill level
and intentions of an attacker and can be valuable evidence for proving the hostile
nature of an attacker's activities.

Important information about the identity of an attacker can be collected automatically
while it is still possible.

The system is very easy to set up and configure while providing most sophisticated
features. Fully-automated online updates of the honeypot's content and vulnerability
databases allow the honeypot to change constantly without user interaction.

No false alerts as no legitimate user will ever connect to the honeypot.

Lo puedes bajar también del ed2k:

SPECTER.Intrusion.Detection.System.v7.00.Retail-ESD (honeypot).rar (ed2k://|file|SPECTER.Intrusion.Detection.System.v7.00.Ret ail-ESD.(honeypot).rar|15426189|1FC9805517E0F1650DB09A 28E6827150|/)

O con VMware o PC Virtual también podrías.

Claro está, todo eso te va a valer para empezar y hacer cositas, pero si quieres analizar más al detalle las cosas, te recomiendo que leas algo de Analisis forense de sistemas:

Analisis Forense de Ordenadores.pdf (ed2k://|file||3097704| 09DE7FE6E90CDDEAEF8480E1069CA3FD|/)
Análisis Forense de Servidores Linux y Unix.doc (ed2k://|file|Aná doc|441856|AEA5074E32BC5D471E6A27E18E421E39|/)
Análisis Forense de Sistemas GNU.pdf (ed2k://|file|Aná|1244774 |BFEC89FDFE34A35FBE2127329578B1A9|/)

Y más completo en Inglés:
eBook.John.Wiley.&.Sons.-.Incident.Response.Computer.Forensics.Toolkit.Shar eReactor.pdf (ed2k://|file|eBook.John.Wiley.&.Sons.-.Incident.Response.Computer.Forensics.Toolkit.Shar eReactor.pdf|5045603|A8D913D98CB2A2AFA3401BAA5B081 01D|/)
Artech.House,.Computer.and.Intrusion.Forensics.(20 03).LiB;.BM.OCR.6.0.ShareConnector.pdf (ed2k://|file|Artech.House,.Computer.and.Intrusion.Forensi cs.(2003).LiB;.BM.OCR.6.0.ShareConnector.pdf|28910 53|5EDA1D40DB8B95F81778F80932D52C3C|/)
Scene Of The Cybercrime - Computer Forensics Handbook.pdf (ed2k://|file|Scene.Of.The.Cybercrime.-.Computer.Forensics.Handbook.pdf|6091885|BD2BAA5A1 15DB9F4EDC0E3073C71EDD2|/)
Crc Press - Cyber Forensics A Field Manual For Collecting, Examining, And Preserving Evidence Of Computer Crimes (2002).pdf (ed2k://|file|Crc.Press.-.Cyber.Forensics.A.Field.Manual.For.Collecting,.Ex amining,.And.Preserving.Evidence.Of.Computer.Crime s.(2002).pdf|3909567|0659691E408605E2A9ADE1D7E6EDF 3A7|/)
Artech House - Computer And Intrusion Forensics.pdf (ed2k://|file|Artech.House.-.Computer.And.Intrusion.Forensics.pdf|4239378|8B3F 376BD0BC413A80FCCA897CE435A2|/)


08-09-2004, 09:31
Vale gracias, tsetse. jejeje, tengo lectura para rato.

24-09-2004, 17:34
Vale, resulta que el specter es de pago, y el link del emule que has puesto te baja una versión no crackeada, y no tiene versión de evaluación. Resulta que cuando lo ejecutas, todo va bien, pero cuando lo arrancas con la configuración que quieres, te dice que no tengo licencia y que nanai. He buscado en las principales páginas de cracks, pero no lo tienen, y lo he buscado con el google y no lo he encontrado (el crack). He probado la versión para windows de honeyd, y peta por todas partes. El tema está en que todos los honeypots o honeynets que he encontrado son para linux, pero me gustaría encontrar alguno funcionable para windows (lo cierto es que el specter esta muy bien, pero 899$). y despues de todo este rollo, la pregunta es:

¿alguien sabe de algún honeypot que le haya funcionado en windows??

ale pues, hasta otra