Descargas: AutoScan-Network


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Añadido por LUK - 20-05-2011
Autor Autor Desconocido
Tamaño Tamaño 14,31 MB
Descargas Descargas 1.069
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Esta herramienta permite hacer un escaneo automático en la red.


- Multiplataforma: Mac OS X 10.5 or later, Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista), GNU/Linux, Maemo 4 y Sun OpenSolaris.
- No requiere privilegios de superusuario
- Funciona de forma independiente, sin la intervención de programas adicionales
- Fast network scanner
- Automatic network discovery
- TCP/IP scanner
- Wake on lan functionality
- Multi-threaded Scanner
- Port scanner
- Low surcharge on the network
- SNMP scanner
- Simultaneous subnetworks scans without human intervention
- Realtime detection of any connected equipment
- Supervision of any equipment (router, server, firewall...)
- Supervision of any network service (smtp, http, pop, ...)
- Automatic detection of known operatic system (brand and version), you can also add any unknown equipment to the database
- The graphical interface can connect one or more scanner agents (local or remote)
- Scanner agents could be deployed all over the network to scan through any type of equipment (router, NAT, etc)+
- Network Intruders detection (in intruders detection mode, all new equipments blacklisted)
- Complete network tree can be saved in a XML file.




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